Served – mostly true stories

Doorway to restaurant, closed and sandbagged due to flooding

Sometimes, when your restaurant is in a basement, and the building is older than the State itself, sometimes the restaurant or the store or the street above you weeps, and the tears get all over you.

I’m going to tell you some facts about pigs. They’re weird. Sorry in advance.

Barbie in a fur coat, heading out to dinner. She looks remarkably like Carol, one of my favorite diners

How to be the life of the party. And also how to get red wine out of white clothing. Hint: be like Carol.

You can wear heels all day. I know. I do it every day while climbing ladders, mopping floors and running a slew of restaurants. I recommend a few (heels, not chores.)

The neck of a. bottle of champagne, cork popping but gently with a plume of smoke.

I’m often dazzled by clients. May I guide you through opening champagne through the lens of a particularly dazzling lunch?

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Plate and Spoon
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